Run for Water

Events to raise funds for clean water projects in Ethiopia

Stephen Bau
3 min readAug 28, 2018

For 10 years, Run for Water has been involved in a movement that has helped people become active in bringing clean water to our world.

You might think that your contribution is just a drop of water in a vast ocean, but each drop has a ripple effect that together combines to create a movement.

Over the past 10 years you have helped us transform over 40 communities throughout Ethiopia and together we have raised over $3 million dollars which means 100,000 people have clean water for life.

You have helped turn small ripples to great waves. Join us once again as we transform lives in Awash Kolati and Gora Bantu, Ethiopia this year.

Run for Water: Stories of Ethiopia

Running for 10 Years

The people of Ethiopia thank you for your generosity!

“Water changed everything for my family. I am a farmer and so water is essential for my livelihood. Water also means that my daughters can spend their time studying rather than fetching water. I can’t thank Run for Water enough for giving my family hope.”

Yella, Ethiopia

“My daughter was kidnapped and forced into marriage at the age of 14. I finally found her and freed her. Water means that she can go to school and have other options besides just being a wife. Run for Water is giving girls options.”

Caro, Ethiopia

“I gave birth the night the Run for Water team was visiting our village to complete the water project. I’m so excited that my son Tigel will grow up drinking clean water. Thank you, Run for Water.”

Yella, Ethiopia

“I’m the oldest of four kids. It’s my job to get water so my brothers and sisters can drink. Clean water means I won’t have to be scared walking alone to find water instead I can be in school.”

Caro, Ethiopia

Interactive Maps


Run for Water: Interactive Map


Learn More

To learn more, visit Run for Water.



Stephen Bau

Designer, educator, social architect, founder, Builders Collective. We are exploring how we imagine, design, and build the future together.